




研究に基づいて、通常は結果が出るまでに約 3 か月かかることをお勧めしますが、一部のお客様はそれより早く結果を報告します。

Brain and Brawn Keto Creamer、Collagen Keto Coffee、Synergy Collagen Coffeeではどのプロテインを使用していますか?

乳製品からの乳タンパク質は、ケト クリーマー、コラーゲン ケト コーヒー、シナジー コラーゲン コーヒーなどの Brain and Brawn 製品に使用されています。乳たんぱく質はむしろホエイに乳糖がほとんど含まれていないため、乳糖不耐症の症状はより低くなります。





Brain and Brawn Synergy Collagen Coffee 1 杯あたりの有機冬虫夏草パウダーの投与量はどれくらいですか?



Brain and Brawn 製品に使用されている水溶性繊維は、腸内善玉菌の増殖を促進し、便通を改善する植物由来の繊維です。

The difference between the Synergy Collagen Coffee and the Collagen Keto Coffee

Synergy Collagen Coffee:

  • Contains Arabica coffee, collagen peptides, coconut oil, healthy fats, and cordyceps mushroom powder.
  • It has a slightly stronger coffee flavor due to the ingredients.
  • The cordyceps mushroom provides added health benefits, such as immune support and cognitive enhancement.

Collagen Keto Coffee:

  • Contains Arabica coffee, collagen peptides, coconut oil, and healthy fats.
  • It has a creamier texture and a milder coffee flavor compared to Synergy Collagen Coffee.
  • This version is popular among individuals following a ketogenic diet, as it helps promote ketosis by providing healthy fats.
  • It may also support increased energy levels, mental clarity, and weight loss for those on a keto diet.

Common Benefits:

  • Both coffees support skin, joint, and hair health due to the collagen content.

The key difference lies in the inclusion of cordyceps mushroom in Synergy Collagen Coffee, offering additional health benefits, while Collagen Keto Coffee has a creamier texture and is tailored more towards individuals following a keto diet.

Are Synergy Collagen Coffee and Collagen Keto Coffee halal?

We are pleased to confirm that both our Synergy Collagen Coffee and Collagen Keto Coffee are halal suitable.


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